Building and engaging in community with God’s people around God’s Word



Life groups at Citypoint Church serve as a vital rhythm of life and discipleship. They meet in various homes across the valley and on different nights of the week.

Life Groups are where deep relationships are cultivated, mutual care is shared, and most importantly, the Word is applied to our lives.

For more information about life groups, scroll down to see the FAQs





  • In short, Life Groups are small groups of adults (usually between 10-16 people) who meet together weekly to do life together, discuss the sermon passage, encourage each other, practice accountability and pray together.

  • We’re so excited you are desiring to take your next step. Your first “next step” will be to attend a Consider meeting. Consider provides you the opportunity to learn how to join us in our rhythms of life here at Citypoint. In the meantime - browse our open groups.

    In an effort to foster transparency and deep growth in our groups, they are numerically capped and do close at a certain time. We fully understand that this is not ideal for someone seeking after those benchmarks have been reached and apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.

    Our typical rhythm is to launch new groups in August and January.

  • Each group season lasts 10-13 weeks. We currently have 2 seasons, fall and winter/spring. At the end of each season, you’ll have the option of staying in the same group, trying a new group, or even taking a break altogether.

    Groups do not meet over the summer, mid-May through early-August


    Life Groups are for adults only, with the exception of Students(6-12th grade).

    HOWEVER, to provide some clarity, we do not want to present a conflict where one is not necessary. We do not want one parent to feel they have to stay home with the children while the other goes to Life Group.

    So bring your children to group. The Life Group leaders and hosts have been instructed to facilitate how childcare will look for the group. They have safe, intentional and thoughtful options.

  • Weekly meetings help your group gain (and sustain) the relational momentum that's so vital to building deep community around God's Word.

    People need to engage in community where they're known, cared for and loved. This kind of meaningful relationship is built on regular and intentional interaction.

    We believe weekly meetings provide a good rhythm for that level of interaction.

  • Life Groups at Citypoint Church are sermon-based discussion. This means that the bulk of the conversation for the night will be about making specific application from the previous weekend’s sermon. Life Groups is where you will roll up your sleeves and discuss how the sermon works in real life, within your present context.

    Each week there will be a handful of questions on the sermon guide that can be found on the Citypoint Church Center App. The guide is posted after the weekend worship service, prior to all groups meeting for the week.

    It usually takes 20–30 minutes per week to prepare for small group.

  • They say, “There’s no such thing as a free lunch…”

    Consider that potentially true of lunch but NEVER of Life Groups!

    Your commitment is the only cost to engage in Life Groups.

    At the conclusion of the season, you will have the option to recommit to the group, choose a different one, or take a break from Life Groups altogether.